The next two weeks I will be away from the huge metropolis of Great Falls and will instead be living with the army at Camp Guernsey, Wyoming. Word on the street is that we will get to fire all the weapongs that our fire team carries, to include
this bad boy!!! It is for knowledge broadening. The theory being that how do I know how to best employ my "assets" if I don't have some first hand knowledge of what they use. Hopfully there will be plenty of pictures... that I can show you.
The MK-19 is fabulous! Have fun.
Knowledge is power! (Especially when it comes to belt-fed grenade launchers)
you should find a way to mount that on your new plane.
damn. when it comes to the point when you need 5 grenades per second, you must be in serious trouble.
Well, honestly I had thought about the possibility of hard points, external gun mounts, etc on the plane... and the more I fly it, the less I think that is all that good an idea. It is very easy to fly, carries a lot of weight, very stable, fairly fast, and relatively fuel efficient...unfortunatly it is not what I would condider maneuverable. It is true that I may have an unaverage view of what is maneuverable, but it is very heavy in the role and if you even think about a dive the airspeed rockets into the caution arc... It is no warplane... It is possible that I am not familiar enough with it yet to really throw it around. But I have to give it credit for cruising at 150 mph and getting better gas milage than my car.
As for 5 grenades/sec... ooph!!! It is a bad day for someone... I am so impressed that this weapon even exists... it is like a surreal video game cartoon weapon! A grenade launcher machine chain gun! What the hell! The only thing that would make it more insane is if it had electricly driven rotating barrels... a chain grenade gatling gun!
you get to play with a grenade launcher?? ok - i'm officially on the wrong lifepath. i don't get to live on tropical islands or play with weapons. i wonder if it's too late to change.....
Probably not... you just have to be willing to make the change! You only live once, live it!
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